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WSB-TV interview for AVOID

In November, KDHRC president and founder, Kristen Holtz, was interviewed by WSB-TV's Tom Regan to talk about AVOID - our anti-vaping prevention program for middle and high school students. In the interview, Kristen gave Tom an overview of all the…

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AVOID Vaping Fast Facts Webinar

--October 2019 KDHRC launched the AVOID Vaping Fast Facts Webinar, an 8-part series that covers a wide range of vaping product topics. Topics will include coverage on vape-related deaths and illnesses, vape-related policy change, the history of big tobacco marketing…

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--August 2019 In late August, KDHRC attended the National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. While in attendance, KDHRC presented new research findings from the FDA’s The Real Cost Campaign and from our very own program, AVOID.…

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